If there is no love in the world, we will make a new world, and we will give it walls, and we will furnish it with soft, red interiors, from the inside out, and give it a knocker that resonates like a diamond falling to a jeweller's felt so that we should never hear it. Love me, because love doesn't exist, and I have tried everything that does. Jonathan Safran Foer
About This Quote

This quote by Oscar Wilde is thought to be one of the most romantic quotes ever said. The fact that he wrote this so long ago shows how deeply he understood the power of love. Of course, love as a idea is as old as time, so it is hardly surprising that people have been saying it for as long as they have been reading poetry or writing love letters. What is surprising, though, is that so many people who have been around for centuries have failed to understand the power of love and just how important it is to their happiness.

Source: Everything Is Illuminated

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